一、JAVA Applet 波浪
『Java - Wave Applet 範例』、『Java - Draw Star 範例方法』
二、CMSimple AJAX 表單輸入
在CMSimple中建立一個form表單包含三個input輸入框,能夠輸入你自己的 班級、姓名、學號 驗證身份是否正確,
1. 必須包含AJAX menu選單。
『CMSimple - my_main_function 範例plugins程式』
if(a=="字串1" && b=="字串2" && c=="字串3") { echo "內容1"; } else { echo "內容2"; }
三、CMSimple AJAX 即時顯示
請參考『Java - Draw Applet Gear 範例方法』將其編譯並產生Class檔案,在CMSimple中建立一個form表單包含四個input輸入框,
能夠輸入 座標x、座標y、節圓半徑rp、齒數n,
1. 必須包含AJAX menu選單。
『CMSimple - my_main_function 範例plugins程式』、『CMSimple - my_main_function 範例plugins子程式』
四、以Java Applet繪製動畫
『Java - Draw Anime Star 範例』
- Java - Wave Applet 範例
- Java - Draw Star 範例方法
- CMSimple - my_main_function 範例plugins程式
- CMSimple - my_main_function 範例plugins子程式
- Java - Draw Gear 範例方法
- Java - Draw Anime Star 範例
Java - Wave Applet 範例
// 在 Eclipse 執行, 以滑鼠右鍵, Run as Applet // 在 NetBeans 執行, 則以滑鼠右鍵, 按下 Run File (系統會建立對應的 html) // 若 Application 與 Applet 同時存在, 在 Eclipse 可以分別以滑鼠右鍵, 選擇執行 // 若 Application 與 Applet 同時存在, 在 NetBeans 按下 Run File, 僅會執行 Application import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; public class HelloWorld extends Applet { Stroke drawingStroke = new BasicStroke(2); // static 變數才可以在各方法中共用 String peakNumber = ""; int number; public void init() { peakNumber = getParameter("peakNumber"); if(peakNumber != null) { // 轉成整數使用 Integer.parseInt() // 轉為浮點數使用 Float.parseFloat() number = Integer.parseInt(peakNumber); } else { // 若 peakNumber 取不到值, 則內定為 5 number = 5; } } public void paint(Graphics g) { int i; Graphics2D graph = (Graphics2D)g; graph.setStroke(drawingStroke); graph.setPaint(Color.black); for(i=1;i<=number;i++) { // 每一行向下增量 20 單位 graph.drawString("Hello World", 10, 10+i*20); printC(graph,i, 80, 10+i*20); } for(i=number-1;i>=1;i--) { // 必須考慮前半部已經增量 number*20 graph.drawString("Hello World", 10, 10+(number+number-i)*20); printC(graph,i, 80, 10+(number+number-i)*20); } } public void stop() { } public void printC(Graphics g, int m, int x, int y) { Graphics2D graph = (Graphics2D)g; int i; for(i=0;i<m;i++) { graph.drawString("!", x+i*10, y); } } }
Java - Draw Star 範例方法
//drawstar(graph, x座標, y座標, 半徑, 旋轉角度); public void drawstar(Graphics g, int x, int y, int r, int angle){ Graphics2D graph = (Graphics2D)g; int i,j; double deg = 3.14159/180.; double temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4; double[] ptt_x = new double[10]; double[] ptt_y = new double[10]; double[] pt_x = new double[10]; double[] pt_y = new double[10]; for (i=0;i<7;i++) { pt_x[i] = x+r*Math.sin(72.*deg*i+angle*deg); pt_y[i] = y-r*Math.cos(72.*deg*i+angle*deg); temp1 = Math.cos(54.*deg-72.*deg*i-angle*deg); temp2 = Math.sin(54.*deg-72.*deg*i-angle*deg); temp3 = Math.sin(18.*deg); temp4 = Math.cos(36.*deg); ptt_x[i] = x+r*temp3*temp1/temp4; ptt_y[i] = y-r*temp3*temp2/temp4; } for (i=0;i<5;i++) { graph.drawLine((int)pt_x[i], (int)pt_y[i], (int)ptt_x[i], (int)ptt_y[i]); j=i+1; graph.drawLine((int)ptt_x[i], (int)ptt_y[i], (int)pt_x[j], (int)pt_y[j]); } }
CMSimple - my_main_function 範例plugins程式
<?php // 檔名:index.php // 編寫成類別格式的程式樣版 (ready for CMSimple plugin) // CMSimple呼叫格式「#CMSimple $output.=my_main_function();#」 // 程式的主函式 function my_main_function() { $myplugin = new Cmyplugin; return $myplugin->myplugin_main(); } // 程式類別 class Cmyplugin{ public $common1 = "common1"; public $common2 = "common2"; function myplugin_main() { $menu=$_GET["menu"]; $printonce=0; if ($menu) { switch($menu) { case "function1": // could be html form or action scripts $output .= $this->myplugin_function1(); $output .= $this->myplugin_printmenu(); break; case "function2": // could be html form or action scripts $output .= $this->myplugin_function2(); $output .= $this->myplugin_printmenu(); break; case "function3": // AJAX 即時顯示範例 $output .= $this->myplugin_function3(); $output .= $this->myplugin_printmenu(); break; case "printmenu": $output .= $this->myplugin_printmenu(); break; default: // use function3 as default function $output .= $this->myplugin_printmenu(); } } else { // 未指定 menu 則列出表單 $output .= $this->myplugin_printmenu(); } return $output; } //範例程式1 - 印出文字測試 function myplugin_function1() { $output = "function 1 and some html ".$this->common1." and ".$this->common2; $output .= " some more html"; return $output; } //範例程式2 - 印出文字測試 function myplugin_function2() { $output = "function 2 and some html ".$this->common1." and ".$this->common2; $output .= " some more html"; return $output; } //範例程式3 - AJAX 即時顯示結果 function myplugin_function3() { global $sn, $su; $output.=" <script src=\"./jscript/prototype.js\" language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script> <script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\"> function submitEntryForm(event) { var updater = new Ajax.Updater({success:'var_list',error:'error_list'}, './plugins/my_main_function/addaction.php', { parameters: {num1:$('num1').value, num2:$('num2').value, num3:$('num3').value} }); event.preventDefault(); } function addObservers(event) { $('entry').observe('submit', submitEntryForm); } Event.observe(window, 'load', addObservers); </script> <form id='entry' action='' method='post'> num1: <input type='text' name='num1' id='num1' value='10' /><br /> num2: <input type='text' name='num2' id='num2' value='20' /><br /> num3: <input type='text' name='num3' id='num3' value='30' /><br /> <input type='submit' id='submit' value='Send' /> </form> <div id='var_list'></div> <div id='error_list'></div> "; return $output; } // 以下成員函式, 用來測試 AJAX 表單的使用 function myplugin_printmenu() { global $sn,$su; $output.=" <script src=\"./jscript/prototype.js\" language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script> <script src=\"./jscript/Menu.js\" language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script> <script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\"> Menu.init(\"menu2\"); </script> <style type=\"text/css\"> #menu2, #menu2 ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #menu2 li { list-style-type: none; } #menu2 { font: 12px Verdana, Arial; } #menu2 li, #menu2 a { float: left; } #menu2 a { display: block; padding: 6px; text-decoration: none; background-color: #FFF; color: #2362AF; } #menu2 a:hover, #menu2 a.menu_open { background-color: #2362AF; color: #FFF; } #menu2 ul { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; width: 150px; border: 1px solid #CCC; margin-top: 1px; } #menu2 ul li { width: 150px; } #menu2 ul a { width: 144px; padding: 3px; } * html #menu2 ul a { width: 150px; } #menu2 ul a.submenu { background-image: url(\"./jscript/menu_arrow_right.gif\"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 138px 6px; } #menu2 ul a.submenu:hover, #menu2 ul a.submenu.menu_open { background-image: url(\"./jscript/menu_arrow_right_mo.gif\"); } #menu2 ul ul { margin-top: -1px; } </style> <ul id=\"menu2\"> <li><a href=\"".$sn."?".$su."&menu=function1\">Data 1</a></li> <li><a href=\"".$sn."?".$su."&menu=function2\">Data 2</a> <ul> <li><a href=\"".$sn."?".$su."&menu=function2\">Data 2-1</a></li> <li><a href=\"".$sn."?".$su."&menu=function2\">Data 2-2</a> <ul> <li><a href=\"".$sn."?".$su."&menu=function2\">Data 2-2-1</a></li> <li><a href=\"".$sn."?".$su."&menu=function2\">Data 2-2-2</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href=\"".$sn."?".$su."&menu=function2\">Data 2-3</a> </ul> </li> <li><a href=\"".$sn."?".$su."&menu=function3\">AJAX即時顯示</a></li> </ul> "; return $output; } }
CMSimple - my_main_function 範例plugins子程式
<?php //檔名:addaction.php $total = $_POST['num1'] + $_POST['num2'] + $_POST['num3']; echo $_POST['num1']."+".$_POST['num2']."+".$_POST['num3']."=".$total; ?>
Java - Draw Gear 範例方法
//drawgear(graph, x座標, y座標, 節圓半徑, 齒數); public void drawgear(Graphics g, int midx, int midy, int rp, int n){ Graphics2D graph = (Graphics2D)g; int imax=15; int i=0; int j=0; double a=0, d=0, ra=0, rb=0, rd=0, dr=0, num=0, sigma=0, ang=0, ang2=0, lxd=0, lyd=0, r=0, theta=0, alpha=0, xpt=0, ypt=0, xd=0, yd=0, lfx=0, lfy=0, rfx=0, rfy=0; double pi = Math.acos(-1); double deg = pi/180.; graph.drawLine(midx, midy, midx, midy-rp); a = 2*rp/n; d = 2.5*rp/n; ra = rp+a; rb = rp*Math.cos(20*deg); rd = rp-d; dr = (ra-rb)/imax; num = n; sigma = 3.14159/(2*num)+Math.tan(20*deg)-20*deg; for(j=0;j<n;j++) { ang = -2.*j*pi/num+sigma; ang2 = 2.*j*pi/num+sigma; lxd = midx+rd*Math.sin(ang2-2.*3.14159/num); lyd = midy-rd*Math.cos(ang2-2.*3.14159/num); xd = rd*Math.sin(-ang); yd = rd*Math.cos(-ang); for(i=0;i<=imax;i++) { r = rb+i*dr; theta = Math.sqrt((r*r)/(rb*rb)-1.); alpha = theta - Math.atan(theta); xpt = r*Math.sin(alpha-ang); ypt = r*Math.cos(alpha-ang); if(i==0) { graph.drawLine((int)(midx+xpt), (int)(midy-ypt), (int)(midx+xd), (int)(midy-yd)); } graph.drawLine((int)(midx+xpt), (int)(midy-ypt), (int)(midx+xpt), (int)(midy-ypt)); if(i==imax) { lfx = midx+xpt; lfy = midy-ypt; } } /*the line from last end of dedendum point to the recent end of dedendum point*/ graph.drawLine((int)lxd, (int)lyd, (int)(midx + xd), (int)(midy - yd)); for(i=0;i<=imax;i++) { r = rb+i*dr; theta = Math.sqrt((r*r)/(rb*rb)-1.); alpha = theta-Math.atan(theta); xpt = r*Math.sin(ang2-alpha); ypt = r*Math.cos(ang2-alpha); xd = rd*Math.sin(ang2); yd = rd*Math.cos(ang2); if(i==0) { graph.drawLine((int)(midx+xpt), (int)(midy-ypt), (int)(midx+xd), (int)(midy-yd)); } graph.drawLine((int)(midx+xpt), (int)(midy-ypt), (int)(midx+xpt), (int)(midy-ypt)); if(i==imax) { rfx = midx+xpt; rfy = midy-ypt; } } graph.drawLine((int)lfx, (int)lfy, (int)rfx, (int)rfy); } }
Java - Draw Anime Star 範例
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; public class MovingHelloWorld extends Applet implements Runnable{ Stroke drawingStroke = new BasicStroke(2); String peakNumber = ""; int number; int frame, delay = 13; Thread animator; boolean frozen = false; Dimension offDimension; Image offImage; Graphics offGraphics; double deg=3.14159/180.; int pos_x=0; int vel_x=1; int pos_y=0; int vel_y=1; int bound_x=200; int bound_y=200; public void init() { setBackground(Color.white); peakNumber = getParameter("peakNumber"); if(peakNumber != null) { number = Integer.parseInt(peakNumber); } else { number = 3; } } public void start() { if (frozen) { } else { if (animator == null) { animator = new Thread(this); } animator.start(); } } // 利用繪圖物件變數 g 執行每一影格的繪圖 public void paintFrame(Graphics g) { int i; // 將 g 轉換為 Graphics2D 物件格式, 然後將位址指給 graph 繪圖物件 // 實際執行繪圖的物件為 graph Graphics2D graph = (Graphics2D)g; // 有關繪筆種類 (選擇筆觸格式) Stroke stroke = //new BasicStroke (15.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); new BasicStroke (2.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER); //graph.setStroke(drawingStroke); graph.setStroke(stroke); graph.setPaint(Color.black); if (pos_x < 0) { // 列印位置碰到左邊界時, 位置歸零, 並且改變速度方向 pos_x = 0; // 將 x 列印位置歸零 vel_x = -vel_x; // 改變速度方向. } else if (pos_x > bound_x) { // 列印位置碰到右邊界時, 位置設為右邊頂值, 並且改變速度方向 pos_x = bound_x; // 將 x 列印位置停在右邊邊界 vel_x = -vel_x; // 改變速度方向 } // x 列印位置, 以 vel_x 的速度進行增量 pos_x += vel_x; if (pos_y < 0) { // 列印位置碰到左邊界時, 位置歸零, 並且改變速度方向 pos_y = 0; // 將 y 列印位置歸零 vel_y = -vel_y; // 改變速度方向. } else if (pos_y > bound_y) { // 列印位置碰到右邊界時, 位置設為右邊頂值, 並且改變速度方向 pos_y = bound_y; // 將 y 列印位置停在右邊邊界 vel_y = -vel_y; // 改變速度方向 } // y 列印位置, 以 vel_y 的速度進行增量 pos_y += vel_y; // 畫出旋轉的 drawstar drawstar(graph, 100+pos_x, 100+pos_y, 30, frame); } public void stop() { animator = null; offImage = null; offGraphics = null; } public void run() { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (Thread.currentThread() == animator) { frame++; repaint(); try { startTime +=delay; Thread.sleep(Math.max(0, startTime-System.currentTimeMillis())); } catch (InterruptedException e) { break; } } } public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int x, int y) { if (frozen) { frozen = false; start(); } else { frozen = true; stop(); } return true; } // 更新繪圖畫面 public void update( Graphics g ) { Dimension d = getSize(); offImage = createImage(d.width, d.height); offGraphics = offImage.getGraphics(); offGraphics.setColor(getBackground()); offGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height); offGraphics.setColor(Color.black); paintFrame(offGraphics); g.drawImage(offImage, 0, 0, null); } //drawstar(graph, x座標, y座標, 半徑, 旋轉角度); public void drawstar(Graphics g, int x, int y, int r, int angle){ Graphics2D graph = (Graphics2D)g; int i,j; double deg = 3.14159/180.; double temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4; double[] ptt_x = new double[10]; double[] ptt_y = new double[10]; double[] pt_x = new double[10]; double[] pt_y = new double[10]; for (i=0;i<7;i++) { pt_x[i] = x+r*Math.sin(72.*deg*i+angle*deg); pt_y[i] = y-r*Math.cos(72.*deg*i+angle*deg); temp1 = Math.cos(54.*deg-72.*deg*i-angle*deg); temp2 = Math.sin(54.*deg-72.*deg*i-angle*deg); temp3 = Math.sin(18.*deg); temp4 = Math.cos(36.*deg); ptt_x[i] = x+r*temp3*temp1/temp4; ptt_y[i] = y-r*temp3*temp2/temp4; } for (i=0;i<5;i++) { graph.drawLine((int)pt_x[i], (int)pt_y[i], (int)ptt_x[i], (int)ptt_y[i]); j=i+1; graph.drawLine((int)ptt_x[i], (int)ptt_y[i], (int)pt_x[j], (int)pt_y[j]); } } }