#print()<---在python 3裡print是一個函數 所以必須加上括號 與之前python版本print不同 #input()<---輸入,輸入進來的型態為str #str()<---將()內轉換成字串 def ex1(): yourname = input("Please input your English name:") for i in range(0,4): print(yourname[i]+" ASCII value is "+str(ord(yourname[i]))) #輸入4字元的字串 #ord()轉換()內字元所對應的ascii瑪 #chr()轉換()內數字所對應的字元<---須為int def ex2(): var = input("Please enter a four character string:") print("The string capitalized is ",end="") for i in range(0,4): print(chr(ord(var[i])-32),end="") print() #mpg mile per gallon #求每一加侖所跑的里程 #輸入miledorve、gallon #miledorve/gallon=每加侖所跑的miles def ex3(): miledrove = float(input("Please enter the miles you drove:")) gallons = float(input("Please enter the gallons \ of gas you put in the tank:")) print("You got",str(miledrove/gallons),"mpg on that tank of gas.") #美元與外國幣值稅換 #以美國為主所以要查美國相對於各國的匯率 #rate此函式中代表匯率 #結果應該是 所要稅換的錢幣*匯率 def ex4(): dollars = float(input("What is the amount of US \ Dollars you wish to convert? ")) rate = float(input("What is the current exchange \ rate (1~US Dollar equals what in the Foreign Currency)? ")) print("The amount in the Foreign Currency is $%.2f"%(dollars*rate)) #以list來做9*9乘法表 #必須清楚for迴圈內的動作,變數的變動 #了解如何存取list內的內容 def ex5(): N=list(range(1,10))#[1,2...9] X=list(range(1,10))#[1,2...9] for i in N: for y in X: print(i,"*",y,"=",i*y,end="\t") print() def ex6(): N=list(range(20,31))#[20,21,22...30] X=list(range(20,31))#[20,21,22...30] for i in N: for y in X: print("%3d * %3d =%4d"%(i,y,i*y),end="\t") print() #店員找錢 #使用while迴圈 應找的錢(change) dollars(各種錢幣) pay(應找的硬幣數) #每一次迴圈 把當時所要找的錢除目前使用的硬幣 得到其商 就是這種硬幣要找的數量 #找完一次,必須要把找的錢與已給的錢(硬幣直*找的硬幣數量)相減 #迴圈直到要找的錢為0時,結束迴圈 def pay(): change=int(input("input how much you should pay:")) dollars=[100,50,10,5,1] pay=[0,0,0,0,0] i=0 while(change!=0): coin=change//dollars[i] pay[i]=coin change=change-coin*dollars[i] i+=1 print(pay) for num in range(0,5): print("%3d : %d 張"%(dollars[num],pay[num])) pay()
2011年10月19日 星期三
張貼留言 (Atom)